This tool can be used to filter the ranked results using basic query (initial) or ADVACED QUERY box using MySQL commands. Sample SQL queries are provided below and can be copy-pasted in the advanced query box.
The user can use build queries using regular expressions, exact keywords for filtering by each column of the result.
LIKE | filter for variants exactly EQUAL to [query] |
NOT LIKE | filter for variants exactly NOT EQUAL to [query] |
REGEXP | using regular expressions |
IS NULL/IS NOT NULL | field is not empty (can be used only in ADVANCED QUERY) |
= | Equal to function |
> | Greater than function |
>= | Greater than Equal to function |
< | Less than function |
<= | Less than Equal to function |
!= | Not equal to function |
GWASCatalog | gwasCatalog NOT LIKE 'NA' |
CLINVAR | clinvar_20140929 NOT LIKE 'NA' |
1000g MAF <= 0.01 (rare variants) | WHERE (1000g2014sep_eur <= '0.01' OR 1000g2014sep_eur = 'NA') |
1000g MAF >= 0.05 (common variants) | WHERE ( 1000g2014sep_eur >= '0.05') |
Identify splicing, nonsynonymous, stopgain/stoploss variants from RefSeq (excludes synonymous) | WHERE (Func_refGene REGEXP 'exonic|splic' AND ExonicFunc_refGene REGEXP '(nonsyno)|(stop)|(NA)') |
Identify splicing, nonsynonymous, stopgain/stoploss variants from RefSeq (exclude ncRNA_exonic) | WHERE (Func_refGene REGEXP '(^exonic)|splic' AND ExonicFunc_refGene REGEXP '(nonsyno)|(stop)|(NA)') |
Filter MAF < 0.01 in 1000g | WHERE (1000g2014sep_eur <= '0.01' OR 1000g2014sep_eur = 'NA') |
Filter MAF < 0.01 in ESP600 | WHERE (esp6500_ea <= '0.01' OR esp6500_ea = 'NA') |
Filter MAF < 0.01 in ExAC | WHERE (exac03 <= '0.01' OR exac03 = 'NA') |
ALL in one step (using refGene as reference db): (i)Identify splicing, nonsynonymous, stopgain/stoploss variants(ii)Filter MAF < 0.01 in 1000g(iii)Filter MAF < 0.01 in ESP600 (iv)Filter MAF < 0.01 in ExAC | WHERE ( ( Func_refGene REGEXP '(^exonic)|splic' AND ExonicFunc_refGene REGEXP '(nonsyno)|(stop)|(NA)' ) AND ( 1000g2014sep_eur <= '0.01' OR 1000g2014sep_eur = 'NA' ) AND ( esp6500_ea <= '0.01' OR esp6500_ea = 'NA' ) AND ( exac03 <= '0.01' OR exac03 = 'NA' ) ) |
The following Variant Filtering Categories can be used for the filtering process:
Variant Category | Description |
exonic | variant overlaps a coding |
splicing | variant is within 2-bp of a splicing junction |
ncRNA | variant overlaps a transcript without coding annotation in the gene definition |
UTR5 | variant overlaps a 5' untranslated region |
UTR3 | variant overlaps a 3' untranslated region |
intronic | variant overlaps an intron |
upstream | variant overlaps 1-kb region upstream of transcription start site |
downstream | variant overlaps 1-kb region downtream of transcription end site |
intergenic | variant is in intergenic region |
Exonic Category | Description |
stopgain | SNV that leads to the immediate creation of stop codon at the variant site. |
stoploss | SNV that leads to the immediate elimination of stop codon at the variant site |
nonsynonymous SNV | a single nucleotide change that cause an amino acid change |
synonymous SNV | a single nucleotide change that does not cause an amino acid change |
unknown | unknown function (due to various errors in the gene structure definition in the database file) |